令和六年(2024) 鎌倉マインドフルリトリート 山下良道(スダンマチャーラ比丘)
Opening the window, I look out onto the Dharmakaya. How wondrous is life! Attentive to each moment, my mind is clear like a calm river.
稲村ヶ崎の波打ち際 ↓
令和六年(2024) 鎌倉マインドフルリトリート 山下良道(スダンマチャーラ比丘)
Opening the window, I look out onto the Dharmakaya. How wondrous is life! Attentive to each moment, my mind is clear like a calm river.
稲村ヶ崎の波打ち際 ↓
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